Software Developer •
- Experienced in an array of programming languages, including: C, C++,
Python, and JavaScript.
- Testing and refactoring strategy.
- Build systems and automation.
- GUI programming and design patterns.
- Web front-end and back-end technologies.
- Linux system programming.
- Graphics and GPGPU programming using OpenGL, GLSL, and OpenCL.
HDR Software Developer
- Co-lead team developing High Dynamic Range (HDR) image processing tools.
- Setup infrastructure and best-practices for Git, code-review, and automated
- Co-developed DaVinci Resolve "Intelligent Tone Management"
plug-in for HDR movie grading used by Technicolor Creative Services.
- Design, develop, and maintain software and systems for real-time broadcast
and file based HDR conversions and SL-HDR metadata management.
This includes a web front-end and REST web-service driving a
GStreamer pipeline.
- Develop and maintain development infrastructure using Docker and Ansible.
- Support and pre-sales engineering for Technicolor HDR technologies in Asia
and North America.
Sole Proprietor
Feb 2010 - April 2016 | Simon Feltman Consulting | Petaluma, CA
- Contributor and maintainer of the GNOME platforms Python
language bindings.
- Executed contracts with PDI/Dreamworks Animation and Technicolor.
Production Engineering Technical Lead
- Wrote guidelines and best practices for programming and
usability process.
- Used paper prototyping and ran usability studies for the development
of tools used by Animation Technical Directors.
- Designed and developed Python application framework which was used
as the foundation in a studio wide effort for moving from Perl to Python.
- Developed a distributed play-blast tool which chunked animations to
a render farm using Twisted Python for communication.
Software/Production Engineer
Dec 2002 - Jul 2006 | REZN8 Productions | Hollywood, CA
- Developed and maintained 3dsmax exporters, authoring tools,
and real-time 3D engines for multi-media capable kiosks.
- Worked as technical and production artist, clients included
Microsoft, Disney, Pacific Theatres, Burger King, Fox, CBS,
and Kingworld.
1999–2002 | asylum software | Petaluma, CA
Programmer and API Tester
1998–2001 | Autodesk/Discreet | San Francisco, CA
- Developed the first gmax gamepack "gmax Tempest" for Quake III:
Arena level editing. This technology included C++ plug-ins and
MAXScripts adding CSG modeling techniques to gmax.
- Worked as part of the sales team giving demos and solving problems
for clients. This included developing example code for game exporters.
Game Programmer
1997–1998 | Future Primitive | Cotati, CA
- Designed and developed plug-in system for a real time 3D
game engine. This allowed plug-able game assets consisting of both
artwork and behavior code.
- Wrote game engine code for sound system, collision detection, and
visibility system.
- Developed 3dsmax plug-in to export in house file formats used
in character animation and game levels.
Test Developer Intern
1996–1997 | Autodesk, Inc | San Rafael, CA
- Worked on the development of a random test generator along with
guiding scripts to output QA Partner automated GUI tests.
1996–1998 | Santa Rosa Junior College | Santa Rosa, CA
- Studied Math and Software Programming.
1993–1997 | Petaluma High School | Petaluma, CA
- Four years of drafting education using AutoCAD and 3D Studio.
- Studied AutoLisp programming.